Thursday, June 30, 2011

Live in Light & Love!

"Caring and sharing with one another is an equal balance and a forever overflow of light and love."
  (((♥)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

We are all great students of life...

"We are all great students of life, growing from our experiences. The day we stop learning from life's lessons, is the day we stop growing." ((★)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The power of Love & Light...

"Today I will focus on the positive energy I posses and let the power of love and light illuminate my soul." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

All I can be is me...

"No matter what you wish I could be, all I can be is me." 
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Make Those Positive Changes Today!

We all possess within us what it takes to be happy and content with ourselves and our lives. To reach these places, we first have to accept our past, own responsibility for the present, and prepare for the changes of our future. We are the only one that is in control of our mind, body and souls...We must realize this in order to move forward. Have total confidence and believe in yourself! Believe you are not only worthy of being loved by others, but you are most importantly worthy of the love you give to yourself. Practice everyday, change your negative thoughts to positive, and in time, you will actually start to believe them. Don't wait, start making positive changes today! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Nothing is worth more than wisdom...

"Nothing is worth more than the wisdom I've gained from all my experiences." =)
 Melanie Moushigian

You are stronger than you think...

"Never underestimate the power that is, and has always been within you." Melanie Moushigian

Friday, June 24, 2011

Believe in what you see...

Believe in the person you see in the mirror, because you no longer live in the past, are consumed by self doubt, or need the approval of others. Truly believe you are exactly who you are suppose be." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Be Positive Now!

"Teach and train your thoughts to be positive on a daily basis with no pressures of yesterday, and no final destination for the future. "Be Positive Now" ~Melanie Moushigian

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Power of Love...

"There is nothing greater than the power of love. It can heal pain from your past, bring light to your future and leave you in a state of bliss at any given moment." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Love will make it grow...

"The more love and passion you put into something, the more it  will grow." Melanie Moushigian

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Butterfly and Life;The Beauty of Physical and Spiritual Metamorphosis

The Butterfly and Life; The Beauty of Physical and Spiritual Metamorphosis...

Butterflies are a representation of the cycle of life. An example of the true beauty of the physical and spiritual journey we all experience and venture through in our life time. Starting out helpless and new to the world, eventually embracing change, and blossoming into a magnificent colorful and one of kind creation, surrounded by a world of possibilities and freedom to explore all that life endures.  Spread your wings and fly... ~Melanie Moushigian

Picture named Butterflight ƸӜƷ courtesy and pic taken by. Sk from the facebook page "See~Feel~Capture" 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Sun's Love...

"The Sun's generous and endless supply of love and light can warm and heal any heart."
(((SUN))) Melanie Moushigian

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Love will set you Free...

"Fly off into the sunset my beautiful Seagull, you are free to spread your wings and paint the sky every color of your beautiful soul." ((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Unite the world as one!"

"Unite the world as one!" "We can conquer anything when we put our heart's and soul's into it together!" (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

From my heart, I wish for you...

 From my heart, I wish for you...

I wish you love and abundance always.
I wish you happiness and joy forever.
I wish you forgiveness and freedom from all that holds you back.
I wish you health and wealth because your health is your wealth.
I wish you trust and truth with yourself and others.
I wish you peace and harmony from now until eternity..
From my heart to yours I wish for you...
With Love Always, (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Love is limitless...

"Love is limitless without absolutely no boundaries." ((())) Melanie Moushigian

The ultimate key to success...

"The ultimate key to success is positive thinking and a positive attitude."
"Plan, pursue, and persevere," (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Drive your Dreams...

"Dreams and aspirations are driven by passion, inspiration and ambition...fueled by dedication, motivation and perseverance." Believe it, because you can achieve it!
✿ ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Energy flows like water...

Each one of us have an amazing and powerful current of energy that flows freely and naturally through us and to us from one another like the flow of water. (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Your Souls Sanctuary...

"Worship your body for it is the sanctuary for your soul." Melanie Moushigian

Spiritual Detox

"Sometimes we all need to take a time out and begin a spiritual detox. It's a time for meditation and a time to become awake, conscious, and more aware of the of internal energy and vibrations within your heart. It is a time to release negative thoughts, emotions, habits, and people from your life. Purge the toxins from your soul and start anew. Boost your self-esteem and remove any spiritual blocks. The more toxins you dispose of, the more balanced your mind, body and soul will become."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Monday, June 13, 2011

I live with...

"I live with my feet on the ground, soul in the sky, and my heart open as wide as the ocean."  Melanie Moushigian

Inhale & Exhale...

"Inhale all Positivity and Exhale all Negativity." Melanie Moushigian

Remember to Breathe...

Remember, anxiety is only worry, and worry is only fear...worry and fear are only negative thoughts! Change your thoughts and remember to breathe... (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Feel my Fire...

"I'm a fire sign, can you feel my soul of fire?" ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian

Harmony, not Harm...

"When you truly speak from God, you create harmony not harm". "The truth is divine."  Melanie Moushigian

Be that helping hand...

"Sometimes others pull you down without even noticing, because they really need a lift up." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian

Detatch yourself from your Ego!

"Be careful with getting caught up in your ego thinking you have all the answers, because sometimes your answers are not always the answers for someone else." Melanie Moushigian

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Never Give Up on your Dreams!

"It doesn't matter how long it takes to fulfill your Dream, all that matters is that you have one." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris (((♥))) Never give up on your Dreams!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Raising your spiritual energy...

Raising your spiritual energy opens you to different levels of consciousness. Through awareness and communication with the internal vibrations of your heart, you will become more intuitive. Internal guidance will increase mental focus and improve the balance of your mind body and soul.  Melanie Moushigian ♥ ♥ ♥

Harmonically connect to the Universe...

Harmonically connect with the universe. Find your inner spirit & authentic self. Discover your purpose through internal peace! ~Melanie Moushigian

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Spiritual Transcendence...

In order to connect to the spiritual rhythmic harmony of your soul, you must first disconnect yourself from all the negative influences in your life.
Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships including friends, family and lovers.
Let go of all doubts, fears, regrets and worries.
Rebuild your personal spiritual beliefs and set on to the journey of your inner discovery.
Begin to reconnect to your true authentic self.
Focus and meditate only on emotions and feelings of your own heart without any outside interferences.
Listen deeply and intuitively to your own subconscious desires.  
It is then you will awaken to the truth that will be found from the light within your transcending heart and the spiritual bliss that has been waiting for you all along. (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Truth Tree...

Freedom is the fertilizer
Love is the leaves
Honesty is the root
Truth is the seed...
~Melanie Moushigian

"Endless supply of LOVE"

Share your pure and endless supply of one of the most precious gifts in life you are guaranteed to never run out of...LOVE...You can never give or get enough, always remember that! ♥ ♥ ♥ Melanie Moushigian


"I've never been happier than where I am standing today because I can say I am 100% myself and completely exposed from the inside out and it's the best feeling in the world!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian

Sunday, June 5, 2011

We are all created Equal!

"We are all placed here on this earth with our own visions and our own views. Each of us created uniquely to share, compare, and learn from one another. In essence we are all "ONE" joined at the heart. No one is better than the other regardless of status or differences because we are all created equal. We all come into this world the same way and we all leave the same way. What we do in between should be to seek out, find, and follow the spiritual journey that lies within each of us and once we do, use the answers to pass on and teach others the wisdom we have learned from our experiences to strengthen the unity in the world. Life is about connections first with oneself and then with one another. Everything comes full circle, that is why is important to beware of envy, prejudice, and greed, because what you project is what you receive and it echoes on into eternity."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We are what we choose...

"We are what we choose to see, be, and believe." <3 Melanie Moushigian

Friday, June 3, 2011

Set limitless boundaries...

"Set limitless boundaries when it comes to bringing your dreams to life.
Fuel your passion with zest and enthusiasm.
Exceed your personal expectations by surrendering your destiny to the divine universe knowing the power and energy being generated is beyond our humanly control." ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian